Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is designed to be an integrated approach, helping your child to develop as a life-long learner. We’ve woven the fundamental teachings of the Christian faith with the precepts of social-emotional development and academic concepts from a well-researched curriculum: Big Day for PreK.

The Big Day curriculum is a comprehensive, joyful and playful curriculum that lends itself well to the integration of the joys of life as a child of God. Our custom adaptation of this high-quality curriculum embraces your child’s natural curiosity, encouraging them to explore, play and learn about God and his creation. Your child will encounter Christian teaching not only in daily chapel services, but throughout the day. 

The Big Day for PreK curriculum is designed to incorporate aspects of academic, physical and social-emotional learning into each day. The lessons provide opportunities for teachers and students to engage in meaningful conversations, building vocabulary and oral language. It’s also a ‘literacy-rich’ curriculum: the lessons are filled with big books in circle time, little books for little hands, library books and audiobooks. Each book is designed to enhance and support the lessons of the day and to give your child both shared and independent reading opportunities. 

Differentiated Instruction: Whole Group, Small Group, and One-on-one Learning

Small groups give the opportunity for additional practice and one-on-one instruction in phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge, math and science. Small group is also a time when teachers can differentiate the lesson for your child’s needs. 

Whole-group learning time gives your little one the chance to engage in activities with children a bit older and a little younger. This natural social environment encourages learning by reinforcing the skills they have acquired as they share knowledge with those who are still developing. Simultaneously, whole-group learning shows the children that the skills they are in the process of acquiring are attainable, since someone just a little older than they are has learned it.

Guided centers for math, dramatic play, science, writing, and reading/listening enrich the classroom environment. The various centers and our small student-to-teacher ratio give your child the opportunity to develop skills and explore concepts with responsive instruction. During center time, the children develop knowledge and skills involving shapes and patterns, communication and problem-solving, observation and prediction, pre-emergent and emergent reading and writing skills, as well as social competency. 

Social Competency

We believe that social competence is one of the most important areas of child development. When your child builds social competence, they develop values, interpersonal skills, the ability to make decisions, and a strong, positive self-identity. We approach social learning as a team effort, working with parents to provide children with a supportive, trust-building environment so that they are open to learning the behaviors and attitudes needed for successfully navigating the social world.

Art and music centers, journaling, singing, and dancing all encourage self-expression and creativity and reinforce and enhance all lessons.