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The children are learning so quickly! They continue to amaze us every day with their love and their accomplishments. They know the sign of the cross and the Lord’s Prayer, they know that God loves them and calls them by name, and that they are WONderfully made! (Psalm 139:14)

They have learned the routine of the day and can tell us what comes next. Their curiosity is unbounded: they ‘hunt’ for shapes with our shape-hunting lenses, they love to investigate in the science center (they also love the word ‘investigate!’) and oh, my! How they enjoy dramatic play in the home learning center! They are counting and sorting and stacking and marching and singing; they practice writing their names and they are busy, but never too busy for a story or to help out a friend.


Our Pumpkin Patch was a big hit! Everyone enjoyed exploring the different kinds of pumpkins and choosing little white ones for our painting project. Some even told the scarecrow all about it!


Thank you, Southlake DPS, for visiting us!

The Southlake Fire Department came out to visit us, letting the children see their firefighting gear and sit in the fire truck. They were a big hit, but the children were a big hit with them, as well, showing off their Stop, Drop & Roll skills!


Thank you…

to the women of WonderLove School Photography for such lovely photos of our children! Of course, we think they had wonderful subjects to work with, too!

Adventure and learning abound in the play of these wonderful children! They learn they are strong enough to defend castles from dragons (visiting vestry dragons…), they learn large muscle coordination and how to power their own swinging, they learn to make friends and pretend together. Social, emotional and physical learning all enhance intellectual learning - recess is an important part of the day at St. Laurence Parent’s Day Out.

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Counting down to Christmas with these charming little angels!


Our new teaching aide, Kelly Forster, adds joy to the day, blowing bubbles for these exuberant children.

To the moon! We’ve learned that the shiny surface of the moon isn’t hard, but powdery and dusty. We created models of the moon’s surface with flour and cocoa, and then experimented with different ‘asteroids’ (rocks, pompoms, cotton balls) and saw the different kinds of craters they made. While we were at it, the children decided to write their names - on the moon, of course!


Hands-on Learning

When the students are part of the teaching, they build confidence and ability, as well as knowledge. Knowing that the teaching tools are available to them helps them to see that they are a vital part of the learning process. We don’t pour information into empty vessels at St. Laurence PDO; we work together with our students to enable them to make the learning their own.


A fun St. Valentine’s Day with some of the most charming guests in the world; all of them practicing kindness and the love of God. Click through to see them all!


Learning about Lent

and the Stations of the Cross. Fr. Cooper Morelock helps the children understand the God’s great love for us by taking them on a children’s journey through Jesus’ last moments on Earth.


Little Ones

to him belong!

Learning to be a friend is an important part of the day at St. Laurence Parent’s Day Out.


These precious children like to jump right in! Hands-on learning through playful interactions with toys, each other and the teachers helps them to learn and grow in heart, mind and body.



the gift of life and friendship. Each child is a gift from God. We are blessed with the calling to share the love and peace he has planned for their lives.

Isaiah 54:13 All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace.


Learning is fun!

Block play is such an important part of the day at St. Laurence PDO. During block play, the children learn to take turns, to share, and to communicate effectively with their play partners. Building with blocks builds self-esteem, as the children learn to set and achieve goals.

Can you remember how proud you felt (?feel?) when you accomplished your building goals? Why not build something with your child today?

Our caterpillars formed into their chrysalides and emerged as Painted Lady butterflies in perfect timing with Holy Week and Easter Sunday. Today we released them to live freely in God’s creation. It was a joy to watch them take flight! Each day is an opportunity to serve these children and their families with love.

For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love be servants of one another. Galatians 5:13


Water Day 2019

It may have been a rainy day, but we used our flexible brains and found ways to have water fun indoors!

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Pizza Day!

little chefs at work/play

We’ve grown from FIVE to FIFTEEN!! “With God, all things are possible” Matthew 19:26We are so thankful for these children, their families and all of God’s blessings on St. Laurence Parent’s Day Out this first year of ministry. God has blessed us wit…

We’ve grown from FIVE to FIFTEEN!! “With God, all things are possible” Matthew 19:26

We are so thankful for these children, their families and all of God’s blessings on St. Laurence Parent’s Day Out this first year of ministry. God has blessed us with wonderful staff and 15 precious children to love, teach and serve. Thank you all! See you in September!

The learning and fun were extended last Thursday: we created a banner for our memory verse, experimenting with color-blending, explored animal footprints and the insulating effects of blubber, dug for letters to make initial sounds and even had a visit from a dragon!